Food intolerances and food allergies
More and more people are suffering from food intolerances or allergies. To ensure that these people can also enjoy dextrose-sweetened foods, we have made it our mission to create our products for this group of people whenever possible, without compromising on flavour. Our desserts are therefore always fructose-free/low in fructose, almost always lactose-free and sometimes wheat flour-free.
Fructose Intolerance
More and more people are affected by the problem of fructose intolerance. Foods that were part of their diet for years are suddenly causing health issues. However, this FOOD INTOLERANCE IS STILL LARGELY UNKNOWN, so sufferers often only receive a definitive diagnosis from a gastroenterologist with the help of a breath test, and know what is causing their complaints in the first place. EXPERTS ESTIMATE THAT APPROXIMATELY 30% OF THE POPULATION SUFFER FROM FRUCTOSE INTOLERANCE and many can no longer enjoy certain foods. Often, the symptoms are not recognized or attempts are made to alleviate them temporarily with "remedies" from the pharmacy in order to tolerate foods better again.

Lactose Intolerance
After consuming milk and dairy products containing lactose, many people experience symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, or diarrhea. In these cases, there is typically an intolerance to lactose – lactose intolerance. It is estimated that IN EUROPE, APPROXIMATELY 5 TO 20% of people are unable to tolerate lactose, while in other parts of the world such as Africa or East Asia, 65 to over 90% of people suffer from lactose intolerance.
Sorbitol Intolerance
In sorbitol intolerance, the absorption of the sugar alcohol sorbitol is impaired, leading to digestive discomfort when sorbitol is consumed. Sorbitol intolerance often occurs in combination with fructose intolerance or lactose intolerance. Individuals who suffer only from fructose intolerance typically also have a sorbitol issue since sorbitol is converted to fructose in the body. FOR THIS REASON, TOM & KRISSI'S PRODUCTS ARE SORBITOL-FREE EXCEPT FOR A FEW EXCEPTIONS. As some fruits naturally contain sorbitol, a few fruit spreads contain a small amount of sorbitol.

Histamine Intolerance
Gluten Intolerance
Gluten intolerances are widespread and appear in various forms: CELIAC DISEASE, WHEAT ALLERGY, OR SENSITIVITY TO GLUTEN OR WHEAT. The good news is that the range of fructose-free foods is continuously expanding. Especially in the area of fructose-free sweets and snacks, there are now delicious alternatives that provide enjoyment without compromise. The term "gluten intolerance" covers various reactions to gluten, which is found in grains such as wheat, rye, and barley. However, symptoms and causes vary significantly depending on the type of intolerance.